Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Dear journal, 

I just passed the outlet of the digestive tube, the anus.

 I have changed a lot from this journey. The only that is left of me is my non-digestible remains! I have learned a lot of things about the digestive system. 

One of the things that I observed was the importance of the pH level in various regions of the digestive tract. The different pH levels in various regions of the digestive track allow each part of the system to do its function properly. For example, the stomach would not be able to digest and break down food like me if it were not for the high pH, because the enzymes that thrive in high pH levels would not function. The pH in the small intestine must be lowered by pancreatic juices, because the small intestine does not contain the same mucus coating to protect it from the gastric juice’s acidity. I also got to observe many different enzymes do their work. I have included my observations and findings in another journal entry. As well, I was able to witness all of the wonderful things that water does for the human body. I have also included these findings in another journal entry. Both of these things were so important I decided I should dedicate entire sections to explain their role. 

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