Dear journal,
I have arrived at the stomach! The stomach
acts as storage for food, like me. The hydrochloric acid in the stomach’s
gastric juice is to lower the pH of the stomach. This makes it a harsh
environment for any bacteria I may have had on or in me. This hydrochloric acid
also lets the enzyme Protease work at the low pH of the stomach. This
environment of the stomach is ideal for the breakdown of my proteins to take
place! The digestive enzymes are activated, and pepsinogen is changing to
pepsin which is breaking down my proteins into peptides. I noticed that a layer
of mucus was coating the interior of the stomach! It is preventing the gastric
juice from burning the lining of the stomach!
At the bottom of the stomach is the Pyloric Sphincter. It is regulating
food like me from leaving the stomach to the duodenum.
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